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Pakspanish Omelette

Rating: 4/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 27061

It's simple and easy to make a Perfect Spanish Omelette in no time at all following this recipe. It's Great as a light Lunch with some Salad or perfect for Sehar in Ramadan.
Pakspanish Omelette recipe

Total servings: 2 portions
Pre-Prep time: 10 min
Preperation time: 15 min
Occasion: Ramadan
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


4 fresh eggs
3 chopped potatoes
1 chopped spring onions
1 teaspoon of grounded red chilli
2 chopped med tomatoes
4 table spoons of olive oil
60g of cheese
5 tbsp milk
1 teaspoon of salt


First, put the salt on the potatoes and mix them.
Deep fry onions and potatoes in olive oil.
Beat the eggs in a big bowl with milk,and add fried potatoes, onions and grounded chillies, tomatoes n cheese .
Warm the olive oil in a frying pan, put the mixture in it and fry on the low heat for 5 or 6 minutes.
Turn the omelete over and let it cook for the next 5 to 6 minutes.
Omelete is ready to serve!

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