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Meetha Toast

Rating: 2/5 - Votes: 3 - Views: 27253

Best breakfast or teatime snack...
Meetha Toast recipe

Total servings: 1
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 10 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: French
Effort: Average
Best for: All
How to serve: Warm


2 slices of bread.
2 cups of milk.
2 green ilachi.
4 tablespoons of sugar.
Half a cup of desi ghee.
A few almonds or pistachios(pistas)


Cut the slices of bread in 4.
Heat the desi ghee and fry them in it until they are reddish brown.
On the side heat the milk and add sugar and ilachi in it.
When the milk comes to a boil add very little milk to the bread which is still in the fry pan.
The bread should absorb the milk.
Add some more milk slowly.
The milk will keep disappearing as the bread will keep absorbing it.
Keep doing it till all the milk is poured and absorbed by the bread.
Take the bread out very carefully as it will be very tender.
Finely cut the almonds or pistachios and put them on the bread.
You will simply love eating this dessert specially if you are really craving something sweet and desi.

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