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Zesty Pasta Salad

Rating: 2.5/5 - Votes: 4 - Views: 24880

A nice balsamic vinegar and oil mixture with mustard whipped in. It compliments this hearty salad way better than regular salad dressings.
Zesty Pasta Salad recipe

Total servings: 4
Pre-Prep time: 30 min
Preperation time: 10 min
Occasion: Mehndi
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Warm


16 oz. spiral pasta
1/2 cup olive oil
56 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
5 Tbsp. red vinegar
1 heaping tsp. dried basil
1/2 1 tsp. salt (optional)
2 tsp. garlic powder
1 cup diced avocado
1 small cucumber, diced
2 tomatoes, diced (peeled if possible)
3 cloves garlic, minced (optional)
1 small bunch scallions, sliced (opt.)


Place the mustard, oil, vinegar, basil, salt, garlic, and vegetables in a bowl, mix well, and let marinate for one hour. Cook pasta in water, and set aside to cool. Add to mustard mixture and mix.
This salad seems to taste best when still warm, and when fresh, but it tastes fine days later. The vinegar flavor becomes stronger with time, and it becomes much drier, so take care if you are making it in advance.

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