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Tomatoes Rice

Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 1 - Views: 14356

A traditional rice recipe with a hint of tangy tomatoes.
Tomatoes Rice recipe

Total servings: 3
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 30-40 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Rice (1/2) Kg
Tomato ( 4 big red one)
Red chili powder (1 tsp)
Green chili (4 or 6 whole fat one)
Garlic Paste (1tsp)
Ginger Paste (1tsp)
Ghee (1/2 cup)
Elachi (4)
long (4)
Salt to taste
Onion (2 small one) golden brown slices.


1. Put rice in water one hour prior to cook. then drain the water.
2. Heat ghee in a pot. Add 3 big cardamoms and 4 cloves till golden brown.
3. Add whole green chili, garlic, red chili powder, ginger paste, after 5 min add tomatoes slices. Stir till it become thick paste.
4. Add rice, salt, and 4 cups of water.
5. Allow it to cook. When water is completely absorbed, put the pot on tawa for dum.
6. When rice is tender, add golden brown onion and green leaves of coriander on rice.
7. Now it's ready to serve.

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