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Tomato Salsa

Rating: 3.5/5 - Votes: 9 - Views: 15935

This is one salsa recipe I always rely upon and has always been a hit with friends, makes a good dip, dressing for a salad, serves as a sauce for spaghetti or a spread over an omlette. This recipe is neither too spicy nor too thick and works well for me.
Tomato Salsa recipe

Total servings:
Pre-Prep time: 15 mins
Preperation time: 15 mins
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Mexican
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: With Garnashing


6-7 bright red tomatoes
2 big capsicum, cut into 4 longitudinal pieces
4-5 green chillis
4-5 cloves garlic with skin
1 onion finely chopped
olive oil to coat the vegetables
juice of half a lemon
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp sugar
fresh parsley, chopped


Pre-heat oven.
Coat tomatoes, capsicum, green chillis and garlic with olive oil such that they are oiled all over.
Arrange in a greased shallow baking tray and keep and broil 10-12 minutes. Remove and cool.
Discard the skin of garlic, the tomato cores and skin.
Combine the garlic, tomatoes, capsicum and green chillis in a bowl and using a hand blender, puree roughly.
Alternately, run in a mixer grinder for a few seconds.
Be careful not to make a smooth paste of it.
It should be chunky and coarse.
Add chopped onions, salt, pepper, sugar and fresh parsley to the coarse paste and your salsa is ready.
Serve with tacos.

you can store salsa in the refrigerater for a few days and in that case don’t add the onions. add onions only at the time of serving.

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