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Roasted Chicken

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Marinated chicken seasoned with zesty spices cooked on low steam and serve hot with homemade french fries and ketch up.
Roasted Chicken recipe

Total servings: 4
Pre-Prep time: overnight marination time
Preperation time: 1 hr
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Chicken 2 whole breast pcs (u can take leg pc too)
Ginger/ garlic paste 1 table spoon
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder 1/2 teasspoon depending on how hot and spicy u want it to be.
Garam masala powder 1 teaspoon
Vinegar 2-3 table spoons (or lemon juice)
Yogurt enough to coat all the pcs
Oil 5-6 tbspoons
Potatoes 2 peeled and cut for french fries.


Prick chicken pcs from both sides with a knife or fork.
Marinate chicken in all the spices and yogurt for overnight.
Heat oil in a wide pan.
When hot put in all the pieces with the marinade.
Also put in the cut potatoes.
Fry chicken from both sides for about 2-3 minutes till it is some what golden.
Then make the flame medium and cover the pan.
Cook for 15 to 20 min or until the chicken is tender and done.
Do check in between to make sure the chicken doesnt burn.
Serve hot with ketchup or chutnee.
Tastes great, coz has less fat as you are not deep frying, the potatoes with it taste great too. you can eat it with naan or boil some veg like brocolli, carrots, peas and some corn.
Will make a tasty and healthy meal for both you and the kids.
Do try it

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