Qeema Cheese Crackers
Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 1 - Views: 14647
Quick serving starter these Qeema cheese crackers are a delightful appetizer.
Total servings: 4
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 5-10 minutes
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Warm
Crackers/biscuits 12
Qeema cooked a little
Shredded Chedder or American Cheese to garnish
First of all, take your favorite crackers of anykind such as wheat, white or biscuits that you enjoy snacking out and set them in a plate.
Take keema, preferably left over from lunch or dinner and slightly heat it. Then place half teaspoons of Qeema on each cracker and drizzle with the cheese. You can sprinkle any chopped veggies of you choice like tomatoes or onions too.
Using chedder cheese will give a bolder taste than any other cheese. Low cal, quick snack. Enjoy!!!