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Malai Kulfi

Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 4 - Views: 29089

A delicious ice cream that is ready in no time and hard to resist.
Malai Kulfi recipe

Total servings: 7-8
Pre-Prep time: 5 min
Preperation time: 5-6 hours
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Frozen


2 cups (500 ml.) full fat milk
1 cup condensed milk
1 cup milk powder
1 teaspoon cardamom (elaichi) powder
2 tbsp chopped pistachios.


Combine all the ingredients together and bring to a boil. Add the cardamom powder and pistachios.
Simmer for 10 minutes till the mixture thickens. Cool completely.
Pour into 4 kulfi moulds and freeze overnight till firm.
To unmould, allow the moulds to remain outside the refrigerator for 5 minutes and then unmould by inserting a wooden skewer, stick or a fork, in the centre of the kulfi and pulling it out.

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