Kata Masala Gosht
Rating: 4/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 31586
Stir fried meat cooked in the aroma of freshly chopped vegetables.
Total servings: 4-5
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 45 min
Occasion: Eid-ul-Adha
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot
Mutton 1 kg
Onion 5 medium size (sliced)
Garlic 5-6 cloves (cut pieces)
Ginger 1 tbsp(cut into thin slices)
Salt as needed
Red peppers 10/11
Oil as needed
Water 1 cup
Put all the above ingredients including meat in a pot with water except oil.
Cook for almost 20 min on medium heat until meat is tenderized.
Dry the water and put oil and stir fry till it becomes little golden and the meat leaves oil.
Garnish with fresh corriander leaves and serve hot.