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Jhat Pat Chicken

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Quick and simple recipe of making delicious chicken curry.
Jhat Pat Chicken recipe

Total servings: 4-5
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 30 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Boneless Chicken One kilo
Onion Sliced One cup
Blended Tomatoes One cup
Capsicum Sliced One cup
Ketchup 4 tbsp
Ginger and Garlic 1 tbsp
Red Chillies 1 tbsp
Corriander Leaves 1/2 cup
Salt According to taste
Garam Masala 1 tsp
Turmeric Powder 1 tsp
Corriander Pd 1 tsp
Green Chillies 45
Oil 1/2 cup


In the pan put half cup oil. Then put ginger and garlic paste in it.
Next put red chillies, corriander powder and turmeric powder.
Now pour in the blended tomatoes.
Then put chicken in it. Now put in 4 tbsp of ketchup in it.
Before covering it with the lid for ten minutes put in the salt.
When ten minutes are over put capsicum, sliced tomatoes and green chillies. In the end put it on dum for five minutes.
For garnishing put 1 tsp garam masala and corriander leaves

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