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Hot N Spicy Nihari

Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 22549

Nihari is a very famous traditional dish of Pakistan. It is a type of stew cooked in fiery spices. Furthur more you build up the taste with the fresh chopped green ingredients.
Hot N Spicy Nihari recipe

Total servings: 5
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 2-3 hrs
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Average
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Beef bong ka ghosht 1 kg
Nali 1 (optional)
Ginger / Garlic 1 tbsp
Ghee 2 cup
Nihari masala prepared 4 tbsp
Atta 1 cup
Maida 1/2 cup
Chilly powder 3 tbsp
Salt 2 tsp heaped
Water 1012 cups

Dalchini 20 gms 1/4 cup
Bari & choti ilaichi 25 gms each
Long 20 gms 1/4 cup
Saunf 1/2 cup
Kas kas 1/2 cup
Javatri 1/4 cup
Saunt 1/4 cup
Kachri 1/2 cup
Chana 1/4 cup
Chilly powder 1/2 cup


Heat ghee and fry ginger/garlic.
Add meat piece along with chili powder, salt and nihari masala and fry well by sprinkling little water.
Add in nali and 10-12 cups hot water, cover and let it cook for an hour.
Sift flour and Atta together and make into a paste with water and add to the meat.
Cook on very low fire for atleast 2-3 hours.
Serve with finely sliced ginger, chopped green chillies, lemon, coriander leaves and tandoori Nan.

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