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Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 1 - Views: 13360

A sweet and tasty pudding in which carrots are cooked along with essence and cloves.
Gujbhat recipe

Total servings: 2-3
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 20 MINS
Occasion: Party
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Cold


2 cups rice(presoaked)
4 cups grated carrots
2 cups sugar
45 small illaichi
45 cloves
a few drops of khewera essence
1/4 cup oil or ghee


Take a pot of water and add rice to it when it starts to boil.
Cook the rice till half done.Drain and keep aside.
In the pot add the oil/ghee and heat it.
Fry the illaichi and cloves in it lightly.
Add the sugar,carrot and rice.
Mix together and cover and cook on very low heat till the rice is done, water is dried and the carrots have become very tender.
Serve chilled alone or with fresh cream.

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