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Garlic Dip

Rating: 3/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 20482

Cool and creamy, this tangy dip flavored with garlic and tahini is the perfect compliment to grilled meats and vegetables.
Garlic Dip recipe

Total servings: 4-6
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 5 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Cold


3 tbsp (sesame seed sauce)tahini
1 minced clove of garlic
1/2 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. lemon juice
3 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. plain yogurt
Parsley for garnishing


Place tahini, garlic, salt, yogurt and lemon juice in a small bowl and mix with a spoon and gradually add water until tahini becomes smooth.
Add chopped parsley and mix well.
Serve this sauce with fried/grilled chicken or vegetables.

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