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Basic Chicken Vinegar

Rating: 3/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 18119

Chicken Chunks marinated in tangy sauce and then served with hearty potatoes.
Basic Chicken Vinegar recipe

Total servings: 4
Calories: 100
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 45 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Italian
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


1 whole chicken
1 1/2 cup vineger
1/3 teaspoon chilli powder
1/3 teaspoon salt
2 table spoon oil
1 potatoe peeled n cut into four pieces
1 boiled rice


Put cuts on the chicken
Mix salt and chillies togther and rub it on the chicken
Now marinate this chciken in the vineger and let it marinate for atleast four hours but over night marination would be the best.
Now put oil and potatoes in it and let it cook on slow heat for atleats 45 mins.

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