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Chicken Dopiaza

Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 1 - Views: 27454

Chicken Dopiaza... "do" means "two" and "piaza" refers to onions - So the onions used in this recipe is a bit more in quantity then a usual gravy based dish. Chicken cooked in onion's gravy, has prominent flavors of onion with other spices.
Chicken Dopiaza recipe

Total servings: 4-6
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 1 hr
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Medium Size Chicken 1.
Red Chillies 2 tbsp.
Onions 2.
Ginger 2 pieces.
Garlic cloves 8.
Mustard oil/Corn oil 1 cup.
Yogurt 4 tbsp.
Salt to taste.
Turmeric powder 1 tsp.
Coriander Leaves.
Cumin Seeds(to sprinkle).
Black Pepper(to sprinkle).


Grind all the spices. Cut the chicken in pieces. Heat oil in a pan & put all the spices along with onions, ginger/garlic with salt & keep on stirring adding little water to keep color red. Then add chicken & yogurt, add a little water & cover on a slow fire. Keep on stirring every now & then. When the chicken is tender & water evaporates, sprinkle coriander leaves, black pepper & cumin seeds.
The same recipe is suitable for mutton.

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