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Chicken And Pasta Salad

Rating: 2.5/5 - Votes: 4 - Views: 36964

This crowd pleasing Chicken Pasta Salad recipe is perfect for a picnic, lunch, or light supper and a potluck-perfect for barbecue season.
Chicken And Pasta Salad recipe

Total servings: 6
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 15 minutes
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Cold


175 grams tricolor spirals pasta or shells
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove garlic (crushed)
2 whole red chili crushed
4 spring onions
1/2 bell pepper, green
1/2 bell pepper, red
1/2 bell pepper, yellow
150 grams cherry tomatoes
10-12 black olives, pitted
200 grams chicken, roast
2 tablespoon walnuts


Cook pasta in boiling salted water for 10-12 minutes or according to the packet instructions.
Meanwhile gently heat the oil in a small pan, add garlic and cook for 1 minute.
Add crushed chilies, stir once and turn off the heat.
Drain the pasta and place in a large mixing bowl and pour over the garlic mixture and toss well. Keep aside to cool.
Slice the spring onions and bell peppers. Halve the cherry tomatoes and olives.
Cut the chicken into thin strips.
Add these to the cooled pasta and season with salt and pepper.
Put into a serving bowl and sprinkle with chopped mint and walnuts.

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