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Aloo Ki Tikiyan

Rating: 3/5 - Votes: 11 - Views: 46201

Tasty Aloo tikiyan prepared in a most simplest way.
Aloo Ki Tikiyan recipe

Total servings: 4-5
Pre-Prep time: 15 min
Preperation time: 30 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


5-6 potatoes
Pisi hari mirch 1/2 table sp
chat masala 1/2 table sp
grinded ginger 1 table sp
Salt to taste
Lemon juice 2 table sp
Cilantro half bunch diced
Bread crumb plain 2 cups or more
Eggs 2 (beaten)


Boil the potatoes, peel them , and grate them(it is easier that way)
Add all ingredients and mix well. (add ingredients as per taste).
Make small kababs dip in egg, toss in bread crumbs and shallow fry it in the frying pan until dark brown on both sides.

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