All American Burgers
Rating: 4/5 - Votes: 7 - Views: 18787
A cooked ground beef patty between toasted buns.
Total servings: 4
Pre-Prep time: 5 minutes
Preperation time: 10 minutes
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: American
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot
1/2 cup mayonnaise type salad dressing
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1 lb. ground beef
2 Tbsp. dry bread crumbs
4 slices American cheese
4 hamburger buns, split and toasted
8 lettuce leaves
1 tomato raw, sliced
Prepare grill.
Combine first 3 ingredients in a bowl. Reserve 1/4 cup mixture. Combine meat, 1/4 cup dressing mixture, bread crumbs and salt and pepper to taste in a bowl.
Shape into 4 patties 1/2 inch thick.
Place on a greased grill over hot coals about 6 inches from heat.
Grill 3-4 minutes per side or to desired doneness.
Top each patty with a cheese slice.
Continue grilling until cheese melts.
Spread buns with reserved salad dressing mixture.
Fill with patties.
Top with lettuce and tomato slices.