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Afghani Kebab

Rating: 4/5 - Votes: 9 - Views: 51849

There are several kind of kababs. This is a very simple, easy to make recipe of Afghani kababs(mince with green masala).
Afghani Kebab recipe

Total servings: 6
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time:
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Average
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Minced beef 1 kg
Green chillies 10 (cut very fine)
Onions 2 (medium size, chop as for omelette)
Coriander leaves 1/2 bunch
Black pepper 1/2 tsp (grind coarsely)
Tomatoes 1 kg (boil & make paste)
Salt to taste
Cooking Oil 1 cup


In a bowl combine mince meat, green chillies, black pepper, onions and knead
them, separate into four portions.
Brush each portion with a little oil.
In a flat frying pan flatten and place one portion and cook for 4 minutes. Repeat with the other portions then cut each int strips.
In a wok (karhai) fry the pieces slightly, add tomatoes, salt and a few green chillies and black pepper.
Cook till oil separates, garnish with coriander leaves.

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